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Student Employees and FERPA

As a student employee at Loyola University New Orleans, your job may allow you access to student records or other forms of student personally identifiable information.  This information includes, but is not limited to, transcripts, grades, class schedules, applications and personal information and is protected under the Family Educational Records and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). This information may be in any format including written or electronic materials or personal conversations.

As a student employee, you have the same responsibility of protecting student information as any faculty/staff would have. It is important that you understand FERPA and adhere to the regulations. You may begin by reviewing Loyola’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy policy.

You will also be required to complete the Confidentiality Statement for Student Employees form.  This form will be kept in your file with Human Resources.

The best practice for a student employee is to never discuss information learned through a work assignment with anyone, or to disclose any information unless you have permission from your supervisor to do so.

Disclosure of personally identifiable information is not only unprofessional and unethical, but it violates Loyola’s policy and the federal law.  Disclosure could result in termination of employment with the University, loss of federal funding for Loyola and criminal and/or civil penalties.

Several other laws, such as HIPAA and state confidentiality laws, govern the release of information for campus offices such as the Student Health Center and University Counseling Services.  Be sure that you understand the requirements and standards for confidentiality for the office in which you work before you begin work.