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Grants Policies

Please see the following grants office, institutional, and federal policies pertaining to externally funded grants and contracts, including cooperative agreements. 

  • Budgeting Indirect Costs for Sponsored Projects (PDF)

  • Conflicts of Interest (COIs)

  • Combating Trafficking in Persons (CTIP): Clause 55.222-50 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) prohibits any Employee, subcontractor, or agent from engaging in human trafficking or trafficking-related activity and includes dissemination requirements, which are fulfilled in part by this notice. Here, “Employee” means a Loyola employee who is engaged in work supported by Federal funds and who has other than minimal impact on the project, and "Loyola employee" applies, but is not limited to faculty. Principal Investigators/Project Directors of federally funded activities are responsible for reading the CTIP FAR clause, adhering to the CTIP policy contained therein, and communicating this policy to each Employee and each subcontractor and agent associated with the project.  

  • Effort Reporting: Policy (PDF) and Procedures (PDF)
    Please contact Anne Weaver, ext. 5490, with any questions.

  • Export Control: This term refers to laws, regulations, and policies that are designed to promote national security and public poilcy by restricting the sharing of certain controlled technologies, services, and information to foreign nationals, foreign entities, or foreign countries. To help make individuals participating in sponsored projects aware of these restrictions, the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs will (1) post to its website an overview of Export Control (PDF); (2) confirm that any activity associated with a sponsored project and identified as export controlled is appropriately licensed; and (3) develop an internal clearance form that asks whether the proposed project involves

    • Munitions or dual use items, or software code or technical information related to such items;  

    • Any restrictions on the access to, or dissemination of, information that either results from the proposed project or is provided by the sponsor; or

    • Training personnel for a special purpose that could be considered a defense service.

  • Human Subjects: The Institutional Review Board (IRB) oversees research involving human subjects. IRB approval is required for such research whether or not it is funded by external sources. As such, the IRB operates independently of the grants office. For more information, see the Loyola University New Orleans Human Subjects IRB Policy and Procedures webpage or contact IRB Co-Chair Erin Dupuis,

  • Intellectual Property Rights and Responsibilities: See committee webpage.

  • Prior Approval:  Certain types of changes to sponsored projects are generally not allowed without prior approval from the sponsor. (See below.)  Before making any these changes specified below, the following procedures shall be followed:

  1. The project leader (PI/PD) provides a request and justification to a staff member within the grants office or to the Controller.  
  2. An official authorized to submit grants on behalf fo the university, the Associate Vice President of Finance and Administration, or the Vice President of Finance and Administration reviews the request and either approves it, requests additional information, or rejects it.
  3. If the PI/PD's request is approved, grants director or designee submits a formal request to the sponsor.
  4. The PI/PD shall not implement any change without written approval by an authorized representative of the sponsor.

Although requirements my differ for a given sponsor or award, changes requiring prior approval generally include (1) changing the scope or objective of a project; (2) incurring costs more than 90 days before the start date of an award; (3) changing a key person or project partner; (4) reducing the PI/PD’s effort by 25% or more, or the disengagement of the PI/PD for more than 3 months; (4) issuing a fixed price subaward; (5) revising the budget to (i) change the type/amount cost share, (ii) transfer funds out of participant support, (iii) add a new type of participant support, (iv) add or increase salary to clerical or administrative staff, (v) provide supplemental compensation to faculty or staff for work performed during their standard period of appointment, (vi) change the amount of a single budget category by more than 10% of the total budget amount, (vii) add or substitute equipment, (viii) transfer any work to a party not specified in the application, (ix) add foreign travel not included in the application or otherwise approved by the sponsor, or (x) add costs for entertainment, exchange rates, capital expenditures, fines/penalties and other settlements, fundraising, goods or services for personal use (such as housing), insurance or indemnification, memberships/subscriptions/professional activities, establishing/managing/restructuring an organization, physical rearrangements or alterations, and selling or marketing any goods or services. When in doubt, ask!

  • Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training for NSF Awards: Policy (PDF) and Procedures (PDF)

  • Sabbatical Time and Effort Policy: Loyola faculty are permitted to charge sponsored projects for time and effort expended during paid sabbatical leave in accordance with the each sponsor’s policy, provided that the compensation is proportional to the service rendered and based on the faculty member’s institutional base salary. Sabbatical leave paid by the university, in combination with other compensation (e.g., partial salary from a grant or contract), may not exceed 100% of the individual’s institutional base salary. Contact Anne Weaver for further information.

  • Research Misconduct: The Office of Academic Affairs will provide the services, facilities, and procedures for a thorough, competent, objective, fair, and timely response to each active allegation of misconduct. Allegations of research misconduct are directed to the Research Integrity Officer (RIO), and the RIO oversees the preliminary review, inquiry and investigation of the allegations.  To report a potential research misconduct contact the Provost's Office.  

    Misconduct in Sponsored Research Policy​ (PDF)

If you believe that a faculty or staff member is engaged in research misconduct, contact the Research Integrity Officer, Dr. Erin Dupuis (Vice Provost), (504) 865-3134 or, to receive confidential consultation or make a formal allegation.