How to Find a Grant
External Funding
The grants office is available to assist you in finding external sources to support your projects. To schedule an appointment, please contact Anne Weaver, 970-640-3794 or at
In addition, you may find the following resources helpful.
For personal assistance, please contact Anne Weaver at ext. 5490
Search Engines
This user-friendly system is available to all members of the Loyola community and allows you to generate customized alerts as well as perform individual searches. (Turning off alerts is easy, too!) The system has acceess to private as well a government sponsors and covers the gambit of opportunities, from scientific research to sports equipment grants. Now there are two ways to get started:
1. The traditional way
- Go to
- Click on "Sign Up" on the upper RHS of the webpage (next to the Log In button).
- Input your email address. (Other addresses won't work.)
- Create a password and verify it.
- Select the "Institution Member" option and "Create My Account."
At this point, you'll need to wait for an email confirmation containing a link necessary to access your account. (This is the slow part: Confirmation may take 30 minutes.) Once you've accessed your account, setting up alerts is easy. Each time you login, you'll be prompted to input keywords and begin searching. After any search, you can set up alerts based on your search terms by selecting "Save search/alert" at the top of your results (middle RHS). Then use the drop-down list to select the frequency of alerts.
2. Using a shortcut
- Add basic information about your interests to this form.
(Based on this information, GrantForwrad staff will establish an account and generate email notifications of opportunities matching your interests.)
- Follow subsequent instructions to manage alerts or perform your own searches.
For assistance, please contact Heidi (x3086).
SPIN is the Sponsored Programs Information Network, a database of federal and foundation funding opportunities. La SMARTS is the Louisiana SPIN Matching And Researcher Transmittal System, a search and alert system that automatically emails you relevant funding opportunities as they are published. You first create a personal profile describing your research interests and expertise. This profile is then automatically run daily against SPIN. Detailed descriptions of funding programs that match your profile are automatically emailed to you. Contact the grants office to establish an account.
Louisiana Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities, and Scholars (LaGENIUS) is a database of university faculty expertise to which you can add your own personal profile. Freely open to search by universities, local government, and businesses, LaGENIUS can be used to search for collaborators in your field or for advertising your own interests and expertise.
This portal enables you to search for all opportunities for discretionary funding from federal grant-making agencies.