Survey Requests
OIRE is here to assist members of the university community with data needed to complete reports, projects, and proposals. Data of this nature could include faculty/staff profiles, student headcounts, departmental retention indicators, descriptions of course offerings, aggregated results of relevant student survey tools, or other data as appropriate. Because there are a variety of project types and data needs, the following process may help expedite completion of your request:
- The data you need may already exist in the University Fact Book. Before contacting OIRE with a data request, please verify that the information has not already been posted.
- If the data you need is not already posted, proceed with Qualtrics. Please define the following details in the Scope of Request:
- Sample: who are you trying to collect data about?
- Needs: what exact information are you looking for?
- Question: how is the information going to be used?
- If you have a previous study or existing statistical analysis you are looking to update or augment, please attach a copy to your data request form. (If the item is posted on your department intranet, please provide the URL instead of an attachment.) This will help OIRE in identifying what specific data you are trying to find.
- If you have a relevant survey form, report copy, or description of the project you are trying to complete, please attach a copy to your data request form. (If the item is posted on your department intranet, please provide the URL instead of an attachment.) This will help OIRE in identifying what specific data you are trying to find.
- if this is a new request and you need assistance identifying relevant data for your report, project, or proposal, please indicate such a need in the Scope of Request.
- Depending on the nature of the request, further authorization may be required. OIRE will contact you if this is the case.