Data Resources
The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness compiles, tracks, and reports official statistics and general data about Loyola University New Orleans.
Data Request Form
For all data requests, complete the data request form. Include as much information as possible. Types of data requests could include faculty/staff profiles, student headcounts, departmental retention indicators, descriptions of course offerings, aggregated results of relevant student survey tools, or other data as appropriate.
Official Statistics Reports
- Official Stats Fall 2024
- Official Stats Summer 2024
- Official Stats Spring 2024
- Official Stats Fall 2023
- Official Stats Summer 2023
- Official Stats Spring 2023
- Official Stats Fall 2022
- Official Stats Summer 2022 (avail soon)
- Official Stats Spring 2022
- Official Stats Fall 2021
- Official Stats Summer 2021
- Official Stats Spring 2021
- Official Statistics Reports - Archives
University Fact Book
Common Data Sets
Basic information about Loyola University New Orleans is available in the Common Data Sets. The Common Data Set (CDS) is a collaborative effort between data providers within the higher education community and publishers of undergraduate admissions data such as US News, College Board, Peterson’s, ACT, etc.
Assessment Surveys
The Office of Institutional Research conducts several assessment surveys of faculty and students to provide statistics about university life for accreditation purposes. The links below provide survey results by year:
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) obtains, on an annual basis, information from hundreds of four-year colleges and universities nationwide about student participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development.
Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE)
The Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) was designed to complement the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), which is administered to undergraduate students. The faculty version focuses on (1) faculty perceptions of how often students engage in different activities; (2) the importance faculty place on various areas of learning and development; (3)the nature and frequency of faculty-student interactions; and (4) how faculty members organize their time, both in and out of the classroom.
Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI)
The Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) asks students to indicate both the level of importance that they place on an item, as well as their level of satisfaction that the institution is meeting this expectation.
Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS)
The Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS) asks adults students to indicate both the level of importance that they place on an item, as well as their level of satisfaction that the institution is meeting this expectation.
Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL)
The Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) asks online students to indicate both the level of importance that they place on an item, as well as their level of satisfaction that the instituiton is meeting this expectation. This Survey began spring 2013 to all graduate online learners.
Institutional Priorities Survey (IPS)
The Institutional Priorities Survey obtains information from faculty, administration, and staff about views of student experiences at Loyola.
Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)
The Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) provides a means for measuring an institution's contribution to the development of key higher order competencies, including the effects of changes to curriculum and pedagogy.
Graduating Students Survey (GSS)
The Graduating Students Survey (GSS) is the annual survey given to students who are graduating from Loyola.
Second-Year Student Assessment (SYSA)
The Second-Year Student Assessment (SYSA) identifies the specific needs of rising second-year students, including their level of engagement, commitment to college, and receptivity to assistance from advisors, academic support offices, career counselors, and other campus services.