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Facilities Planning

The Facilities Planning Committee, formerly called the University Space Allocation Committee, shall review proposals for the allocation, reallocation, or change in use of existing university space and shall make recommendations on those proposals to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Members include faculty representatives from each of the colleges and library, the Student Government Association, and the offices of the vice presidents.


Lesli Harris, Chief of Staff
TBD, College of Music and Fine Arts (23)
Jean Meyer, College of Business (21)
Sarah Allison, College of Arts and Sciences (21)
Trey Drury, College of Law (21)
Susan Brower, Library (21)
Tommy Raymond, Assistant VP for Administration, Physical Plant
Dale O'Neill, Director, Department of Student Life and Ministry
Alicia Bourque, Chief Student Affairs Officer
Sarah Kelly, SVP for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Michael Rachel, Student Records Office
Joseph Locascio, Information Technology
Robert A. Thomas, Sustainability Study Group
Stephanie Hotard, University Advancement
TBD, SGA Representative (21)

Committee List Published by the Office of the Provost
Contact Desiree Rodriguez 504-865-2281, with any corrections or changes.


All meetings are held in Monroe Library, Seminar Room 4, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.


Fall 2018 Spring 2019

September 27, 2018

November 9, 2018, MM#2 (new location)


January 10, 2019

February 21, 2019

April 25, 2019

Meeting Materials

View the meeting materials from our Facilities Planning Committee archive.

September 27, 2018  Agenda  |  Minutes

November 9, 2018  Agenda Minutes

January 10, 2019   Agenda  |  Minutes

February 21, 2019  Agenda  |  Minutes

April 25, 2019  Agenda  |  Minutes