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Syllabus Templates

The purpose of a course syllabus is to provide the student with information regarding the course including course goals and learning objectives, instructor information, required materials and texts, assignments and grading policy, minimum technology, and other policies (e.g., attendance, academic integrity, assistance for individuals with disabilities.

The course syllabus is an archival document. The syllabus should be kept on file for an undetermined period of time. Former students and alumni often have reason to access a syllabus years after they have participated in the course.  It is the policy of the university that all course syllabi must be posted to the corresponding Canvas course and easily accessible to students.

Please note, syllabus part II can be found here:

Spring 2025 Syllabus Part 2


The following information MUST be posted as part of the official university syllabus.

Syllabus Template:  Plain   |  Graphic

Each course syllabus MUST include the following elements. Other information may be included on the syllabus or distributed as handouts along with the syllabus:

  • Instructor’s Name
  • Contact Information (i.e., office location, telephone number, email address, office hours)
  • Course name, number, and term of the current course (e.g., Fall 2022)
  • Brief Course Overview
  • Class meeting location (e.g., Monroe Hall 111) and meeting time (e.g., MWF 11:30 am – 12:20 pm)
  • Required reading materials and texts including: (note this information must also be provided to the Bookstore)
    • Title
    • Author
    • Edition
    • ISBN
    • List of any other required materials or course fees (if applicable)
    • Note: If the textbook information is not available when your syllabus is posted, you may indicate “to be determined”.
  • A statement concerning each of the following elements:
    • Expected Student Learning Course Outcomes (these should be consistent with the learning outcomes specified by the program/department and posted on its Intranet site)
    • Types of Assignments
    • Sequence Of Topics/Calendar (dates) of Assignments
    • Basis or Criteria for Assigning the Course Grade
    • Minimum Technology Requirements
    • Note: if there is any information in your syllabus that is subject to change, please note this in the appropriate place(s).
  • Policy statements covering Attendance/Absences, Late or Delinquent Work, Participation/Behavior expected in class, and Cheating and Plagiarism should also be included.



The following policy statements will be automatically populated into a separate syllabus “part 2” document in order to provide accurate and up-to-date policies for our students.  

You no longer need to add these policies to your course syllabus as these will be automatically provided to your students.

  • Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
  • Office for Accessible Education
  • Emergency Procedures
  • University Counseling Center
  • Canvas and Online Learning Support
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • J. Edgar & Louise S. Monroe Library 
  • Information Technology
  • Student Success Center
  • Religious Holiday Policy

Updated July 30, 2024 – Office of the Provost

Each course syllabus MUST include the following elements. Other information may be included on the syllabus or distributed as handouts along with the syllabus.

  • Instructor’s Name
  • Office Information (i.e., office location, telephone, email address, office hours)
  • Term of the current course (e.g., Spring 2005)
  • Class Meeting Times (e.g,. MWF 11:30 - 12:20)
  • A statement concerning each of the following elements:
    • Expected Student Learning Course Outcomes (these should be consistent with the learning outcomes specified by the program/department and posted on its Intranet site)
    • Required Texts and any other required materials or course fees (if applicable)
    • Types of Assignments
    • Sequence/Calendar of Assignments
    • Basis for Assigning the Course Grade
  • Policy statements covering Attendance/Absences, Late or Delinquent Work, Participation/Behavior expected in class, and Cheating & Plagiarism should also be included.
  • Any other essential information, such as
    • Safety information, or
    • Information for how to access online resources (e.g., Canvas), or
    • Information about any assignments that must be completed at off-campus locations (e.g. fieldwork, service learning).
  • Note: if there is any information in your syllabus that is subject to change, please note this in the appropriate place(s).


The following policy statements will be automatically populated into a separate syllabus “part 2” document in order to provide accurate and up-to-date policies for our students.  

You no longer need to add these policies to your course syllabus as these will be automatically provided to your students.

  • Academic Honesty and Plagiarism
  • Office for Accessible Education
  • Emergency Procedures
  • University Counseling Center
  • Canvas and Online Learning Support
  • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • J. Edgar & Louise S. Monroe Library 
  • Information Technology
  • Student Success Center
  • Religious Holiday Policy


Updated July 30, 2024 – Office of the Provost